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starfish in the sand on the beach during sunset


Optimal wellness is an intricate balance of every facet of the human experience.

If you have been trying to find clarity in life's current chaos, or if anxiety, depression, and self-doubt have been keeping you from reaching your highest human potential, therapy can help. Therapy can enhance your overall well-being by helping you learn to cope with stress, heal past wounds, and develop a stronger, more empowered sense of self. 

Starfish Wellness, PLLC is a private therapy practice dedicated to empowering clients through holistic mental health counseling services that address the intersections of the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual components of wellness using evidenced-based therapeutic interventions in a safe and restorative virtual environment.


New Clients Welcome!

Tuesday - Thursday: 7 - 9 AM, 2 - 3 PM, and 7 - 9 PM

Friday: 7 - 9 AM and 2 - 3 PM

Saturday: 8 AM - 12 PM

Closed Sunday & Monday

All sessions are completed on a HIPAA compliant virtual platform

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